National Trails Day Events scheduled June 3
By Brian Brinkerhoff
Whether you hike or mountain bike, ride horses or ATVs, one annual event is focused on your interests this weekend and participation can be within minutes of home. To celebrate trails and improve them for others, hundreds of thousands of people across the country will head outdoors to help build, maintain, protect and enjoy America's trails on National Trails Day, scheduled June 3. National Trails Day is the largest single-day trail celebration in the United States and boasts more than 1,100 locally organized events in all fifty states.
Gregory Miller, President of American Hiking Society. reported, "People who hike, or bike know
just how amazingly beneficial foot power can be." The theme for this year's program, Experience
Your Outdoors, encourages nature lovers to personalize the day for themselves by exploring trails in
a way they may have never before considered.
Utah Trails Week and National Trails Day festivities throughout Utah will include dedications of new trails, educational exhibits, trail rides and hikes, and trail maintenance activities. The first National Trails Day took place in 1993 to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the National Trails System Act. Since 1993, National Trails Day has become America's largest celebration in the outdoors.
The unifying concept behind National Trails Day is to establish 'Trails for all Americans,' which hopes to establish a nationwide system of trails, linking old and new pathways and bringing trail access within 15 minutes of the home or workplace of every American.
Although organized activities are offered, the American Hiking Society also suggests visiting a trail near home. Trail users are encouraged to bring a trash bag and help clean up sections of nearby trails to improve the views for others to follow.
Visitors should bring plenty of bottled water, food, and clothing for inclement weather. Users are also encouraged to be courteous while sharing the trails with others. People are invited to get out on Utah's trails during the week to enjoy the outdoors with family and friends. Provided are a few nearby activities. To create and register your own event or see other events across the country visit
Wasatch Mountain State Park is hosting Heber Valley Overlook Trails Day June 3 at 10 a.m. Park Naturalist Wendy Wilson will bring visitors along a one mile nature hike who will then help on trail construction to finish the Heber Valley Overlook trail at the Dutch Hollow Trail Complex.
Adopt-A-Trail sign up forms will be available for interested participants. Goodie bags with light refreshments and volunteer gifts will be provided for all registered volunteers. Everyone should bring sunscreen, water, and lunch. Be prepared for adverse weather conditions, such as extreme heat or cold. To contact the State Park, call 435-654-1791.
From Provo Canyon- turn north, onto State Road 113. Follow that road until you get to a two way stop sign and take a left. At the next stop sign take a right and follow the road to the left. Take a right on Pine Canyon Road and follow that road until you get to a stop sign and take a right. At the next stop sign take a left onto River Road. Follow that approximately 1.5 miles to the Dutch Hollow turn off, and take a left. Follow that road approx. 0.5 miles to the Dutch Hollow trail head.
Draper Trails Day awaits June 3 from 6 a.m. - 6 p.m. showcasing a multiple use of trails from advanced hiking, equestrian, geocaching, skating, biking, hiking for all ages. Additionally, there will be game booths managed by local businesses and health organizations. Trail Treasure Hunts will be conducted on all trails by volunteer groups to encourage enthusiasm and support from all people in and outside the community.
To reach the site, take I-15 Freeway to 12400 South exit in Draper; then travel East to 1300 East, then turn right and travel 2 miles to 13800 S, then turn left and travel 1 mile to the Draper Equestrian Center Park, located at the base of Corner Canyon in Draper. For more information, call 801-205-3242.
The Spanish Fork Ranger District National Trails Day event will be June 10 from
8:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. at the Payson Lakes Area along the Nebo Scenic Drive.
Participants should sign in from 8:30-9:00 a.m. to work on nearby trails. Preregistration
is required by contacting Marcia Gilles at 435-623-0952 ext 461 or email her at
Brian Brinkerhoff hosts "Backcountry Utah: Utah's Outdoor Radio Magazine," which airs 9-11 a.m. Saturday on AM 630 KTKK, 3-4 p.m. Tues. afternoons on AM 1340 KTMP and 10:00-11:00 a.m. Saturday on 1340 KTMP. He is author of "Best Easy Day Hikes: Salt Lake City," published by Falcon Press. For more information, visit his Web site at
Concert in the Park
Friday, June 2 8:00 p.m.
Brigham Young Historic Park
SE corner of State & 2nd Ave. (N. Temple)
One block east of Temple Square
After Chelsea's recent and tragic health problems, this will be her first show back with the band! We welcome your
prayers and support at this event. We will also be releasing our brand new CD called 'TIME OF YOUR LIFE'.
Lake Powell Fishing Report
June 1, 2006 By Wayne Gustaveson
Lake Elevation: 3605
Water Temp: 68 -75 F
Fishing continues to delight all with catches of lots of fish. June brings warm weather and rapidly rising water.
Normally that causes the fish to get lost. Not this year. Stripers are still hungry and bass are prowling the flats.
Striper fishing is hot from the power plant intake to the mouth of Warm Creek all the way into Navajo Canyon. Main
channel fishing is more challenging after boat traffic starts mid morning, but even boat wakes are not bad mid week. Get
out early and cast bait on jigheads, Carolina or drop shot rigs, or just put a chunk of bait on a hook without weight and let
it sink slowly. A handful of chum cast around the boat will usually draw fish within a few minutes. If none come just
move to the next outcropping or point and try again.
Is it really that easy? Yes, striper fishing in the southern lake is easy - if you avoid a few common errors. Do not use very
large anchovy hooks. Do not use braided or highly visible line unless tipped with fluorocarbon leader. Do not move the
bait too fast slower is better. Do not use excess swivels, snelled hooks, one-ounce weights with beaded chains, wire
leaders and other unnecessary highly visible terminal tackle. Keep it simple.
If all around you are catching fish but none seem to bite your bait, use lighter monofilament line and just a single hook.
Attach half an anchovy and toss it close to the cliff wall. Let it slowly settle while pulling line off the reel. Make sure the
line stays slack so the bait progress is not impeded. When the line begins to peel rapidly off the reel, close the bail and
set the hook. Fishing will be easy for you using this technique.
From Bullfrog upstream the big runoff is peaking and making the water muddy. Bait fishing is getting better around
Bullfrog and all points south. The Escalante and mouth of San Juan at Jacks Arch are hot for stripers. Expect good bait
fishing to last through June.
Walleye and crappie peaks are over. There will still be a bonus fish caught occasionally but it is past prime time for these
species. Fishing for bluegill and catfish is getting better as the other species fade out.
Smallmouth bass are easy to catch but their location may be a surprise. Bass are consistently found in 15 feet of water.
The favored habitat is a long flat on the edge of deep water. Find a terraced shoreline and follow the stair steps down to
15 feet. Then slowly drag a drop shot or Carolina hooked plastic grub or tube along the bottom at that depth. Bass like
the swimming motion. Hopping the lure off the bottom still works but the slow swimming technique is better.
Swimming grubs work lake wide. Sand flat habitat with a few rocks is the target. Shallow rocky shoreline is favored by
small bass but the bigger fish are hunting on flats.
Striper Hot Spots:
Dam Fish the ledge on west side which coincides with barricade 3-4 and 5. If
those spots are taken go uplake.
Corner as lake turns left (north) at Buoy 3. Fish the shade line in the morning.
Mouth of Antelope - Both sides at entrance and first corner as canyon turns left.
Power Plant Intake (Construction boom on rim) Fish early before boat traffic starts.
Buoy 9 Gently sloping outcropping near shore is the best place.
Small canyon just upstream from 9 before the lake turns left heading for Navajo.
Mouth of Navajo on the main channel side.
First corner of Navajo Canyon Fish shade line in the morning. Look for a yellow rope on the right side to tie up to a
good spot.
Double islands Go beyond islands and fish the first and second points on the left hand side of the channel.
Mouth of Warm Creek
Buoy 21A in Padre Bay Fish the shoreline near Padre Butte.
Jacks Arch mouth of San Juan.
San Juan - from Nasja to Piute Canyon.
Escalante- find rocky outcroppings along smooth cliff wall.
Most Canyons from Rincon to Hansen Creek have respectable striper schools
The Steinaker Challenge: Catching Three Species of Fish in Three Hours
Vernal -- "I'll bet we catch three species of fish," said Ed Johnson, fisheries biologist for the Utah Division of Wildlife
Resources. "And I'll bet we catch them by noon." It sounded like quite a boast, three species in three hours, but Johnson
was talking about a water he knew well: Steinaker Reservoir in northeastern Utah.
And the good news for anglers across the state is the strategies Johnson outlined for Steinaker aren't unique to Steinaker:
they're strategies that can be used to catch bluegills, largemouth bass and trout at waters across Utah through the middle
of June.
While continuing to get his kayak ready for fishing, Johnson outlined his strategy. "Steinaker [fishing] is just getting hot;
the water is high and the fish have moved into the shallows to spawn," he said. "We'll gear up for largemouth bass first
and fish the submerged vegetation on the north end. Most of the fish we catch will be around 12 to 15 inches but
there are some bigger ones, up to about six to eight pounds. I'd really like to land one of those, but they have eluded me
so far. I've seen them, but the largest I've landed this year is about four pounds.
"After we catch a few bass, we'll switch over to fly rods and go after
bluegill. The water should be warming up by then, so the bluegill will
be more active and ready to bite. "Finally, we'll put a crankbait or
spinner on and troll for trout."
The day went almost exactly as planned; the only deviation was
catching four species of fish instead of three! "The bluegill have
mostly out competed the green sunfish, but you still see a few in here,"
Johnson said as he landed a sunfish, making four different species of
fish he would catch within three hours that day.
He also added a new site to his list of "try agains" when he floated
over a huge bass while he was geared up for bluegill. "She
must be getting ready to spawn as she held tight to an area near a submerged log," Johnson said. "Unfortunately, she
ignored my bluegill fly. She was really huge and heavy with eggs; I'll bet she'd be five or six pounds or larger."
So how did Johnson and his small party of three manage to catch all three species of fish from kayaks and canoes?
Johnson says his technique, which can be used at waters across the state, is a matter of knowing when, where and how.
When--"Shallow-water spring fishing really perks up once the water temperatures get around 55 to 60 degrees for bass
and bluegill, and from ice-off to about 60 degrees for rainbows," Johnson said. "There will be another 'hot' time for trout
in the fall, when the water cools down. "During the summer, all three species will seek out cooler waters, so the angler
needs to go deeper."
Where- "Try fishing in the shallow waters in and around the submerged vegetation for bass and bluegill and just outside,
or in roughly 10 to 15 feet or more, for the rainbows," Johnson said. "Rainbows may be in shallower waters, but it's too
easy to catch vegetation when trolling. This, in fact all of these techniques, aren't just for Steinaker: they hold true for
other bass, bluegill and trout waters as well."
How- "Knowing which gear to use is essential," Johnson said. "Bass, bluegill and rainbow trout have some similarities-they are all predators-but generally they prefer different prey."
For bass, Johnson rigged his pole with a six-pound test line with a brown, crayfish-colored grub loosely hooked through
a circle hook. Other colors of grubs may also work: it often takes several tries to figure out which works best on a given
day. He then placed a small weight a couple of feet above the hook. "Cast into openings in or near areas with submerged
vegetation," he said.
By using a small weight, the grub slowly settled to the bottom. If the bass didn't hit it on the way down, Johnson lifted it
up again and allowed it to settle a few times as he brought it closer to his kayak. Other anglers on the reservoir were
using different lures and hook arrangements, and most were seen catching fish, but the slowly sinking grub presentations
seemed to work the best.
Just about everything Johnson and his party placed on their lines worked for bluegill. The trick was to keep it small. Johnson's
favorite bluegill rigs for the day were a dark beadhead fly on his fly rod and a micro-jig tipped with a red, plastic, scented
crayfish on his spinning outfit. The dark fly was slightly weighted, so it sank easily, as did the micro-jig.
The water was reasonably clear, which prompted a small experiment: several different types of lures and flies were tried
to see how attractive they were to bluegill. It was clear enough to see the
fish, so it was easy to tell which lures were attracting their attention. As it
turned out, all of the lures and flies they used caught bluegill, and some
attracted a bass or two.
The tiny plastic grubs, micro-jigs and flies seemed to work well in all
situations and were especially useful when Johnson and his party needed
to cast into small openings in the submerged vegetation. Small spoons
and spinners caught fish in larger areas where the lure could be cast and retrieved.
When trolling for trout, spinners and small crankbaits both worked well.
The only problem was keeping the lures out of the submerged vegetation.
What looked like deep water often hid willows and tree branches within a couple of feet of the surface.
Johnson said the fish will remain in the shallows for about two more weeks, and then they'll slowly move into deeper
water as the surface waters warm. When the weather gets really hot, the best times to fish will be during the coolest
hours of the day, which occur in the early morning and late evening.
Fish for Free on June 10
A free day of fishing and fun awaits June 10, as Utah hosts its annual Free Fishing Day. You won't need a fishing license
to fish in the state that day.
"Fishing is an activity that you can enjoy with your whole family, and it's an activity that can make your next outdoor
adventure even more rewarding," says Roger Wilson, sport fisheries coordinator for the Division of Wildlife Resources.
"We offer Free Fishing Day every year to attract more people to an activity that we believe will enrich their life and
provide them with a fun thing that they can do with their family and friends."
Before Free Fishing Day, DWR personnel will stock extra fish into waters across the state. Wilson says most of the fish
will be placed in lakes and reservoirs, and those are the places where anglers may want to focus their efforts.
Wilson reminds those fishing on June 10 that while no license is required, all of the other regulations found in the 2006
Utah Fishing Proclamation will still be in effect. Anglers, especially those who might be fishing for the first time, are
encouraged to pick up a copy of the proclamation and learn the rules.
Proclamations are available at the DWR's Web site ( ); from fishing license
agents statewide; and at Division of Wildlife Resources offices in Ogden, Salt Lake City, Springville, Vernal, Price and
Cedar City.
Several free fishing events will be held on Free Fishing Day. Among those the DWR will be involved with are the following:
Free Fishing Day at Willow Park. The park is at 419 W. 700 S. in Logan. This free event, which runs from 10 a.m. to 4
p.m., is for children 14 years of age and younger. Activities include fly tying; fly and spin casting lessons; a casting
contest; a "Bugs Don't Bug Me" activity; fish crafts; fish printing and much more. Clinics also will be provided to teach
kids more about fish and fishing. Fishing equipment will be provided, but those who have their own equipment are
encouraged to bring it. Free tshirts and prize bags will be given to the first 250 participants. Sponsored by the Division of
Wildlife Resources' Hardware Ranch Wildlife Management Area, Cache Anglers, the Utah State University Water
Quality Extension and the Logan City Environmental Department. For more information, call Marni Lee at (435)
Fifth Annual "Free Family Fishing Fair" at the Ogden Pioneer Rodeo Stadium, 668 17th St. This free fishing fair runs
from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and includes a fishing pond where children can catch rainbow trout. Kids can also participate in a
casting contest and can learn how to cast and tie knots at Pathways to Fishing clinics offered by the Division of Wildlife
Resources. Birds from the Ogden Nature Center will be on display, and free fishing will be available throughout the day
along the Ogden River. Ogden City and the Division of Wildlife Resources are the event's major sponsors. For more
information, call (801) 629-8253.
"Kid's Fishing Event," Wasatch Mountain State Park pond, about 2 miles west of
Midway. The event runs from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Space is limited, and children who
want to participate must register in advance by calling Wendy Wilson
at (435) 654-1791. The park's pond will be stocked with rainbow trout before the
event. A presentation that teaches kids about fish and fishing will be given to
participants beginning at 9 a.m. After going through the presentation, kids can fish
at the pond. Volunteers from the Division of Wildlife Resource's Dedicated
Hunter program will be available if participants want help fishing and cleaning
their fish. Fishing poles, equipment and bait will be available for children who
don't have their own.
Three Free Fishing Day events for kids of all ages will be held in northeastern Utah.
Moose Ponds, Daggett County, 9 a.m. to noon. Sponsored by the U.S. Forest Service and the Division of Wildlife Resources.
Pelican Lake, Uintah County, 8 a.m. to noon. Sponsored by the Bureau of Land Management with assistance from the DWR.
Red Fleet Reservoir, Uintah County, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sponsored by XRQ 94 Radio.
Fishing demonstrations will be part of the Pelican Lake and Moose Pond events. Participants should bring their own
poles if they have them, but a limited number of poles will be available at the Pelican Lake and Moose Pond sites for
those who don't have a pole but would like to try fishing. All three events are "fun" events, and the organizers have
arranged for prizes and other give-aways for the younger children that drop by. For more information, contact any of the
sponsors or the Division of Wildlife Resources at (435) 781-9453.
Free Fishing Day at Millsite State Park The Division of State Parks and Recreation, in partnership with the Division of
Wildlife Resources, will sponsor a special kids' fishing event at Millsite State Park just west of Ferron. Fishing rods, reels,
tackle and bait will be provided free of charge to children who don't have their own. Fisheries biologists will be on-hand
to help parents and kids catch fish. Kids under 14 years of age can sign up for a drawing that will be held at noon. Every
child who signs up will win a prize, but children must be present to win. Prizes range from rods and reels to small pieces
of fishing tackle. Biologists will begin loaning out rods and reels at 8 a.m. Borrowed rods and reels should be returned
by 2 p.m., although families may continue to fish for the rest of the day. For more information, contact Brent Stettler at
(435) 636-0266 or
Those with questions about Free Fishing Day may contact their nearest Division of Wildlife Resources office or the
DWR's Salt Lake City office at (801) 538-4700.
Big Trout Are Back at Minersville Reservoir
Beaver -- Believe it or not, 20-inch rainbow trout are back at Minersville Reservoir. This might not seem possible
considering the reservoir was drained completely in September 2004. After several years of drought, all of the water in
the reservoir had been used for irrigation.
But the gates were shut on the dam in October 2004, and slowly the reservoir started to refill. By November, there was
enough water to restock some fish. A total of 10,000 10-inch rainbow trout were stocked, and just over a year later, by
late fall 2005, these fish had grown to about 20 inches.
What helped the fish grow so quick was near-record precipitation that refilled the reservoir in a single winter and made
conditions in the reservoir ideal for trout.
Getting There
Located in southwestern Utah, Minersville Reservoir is about 15 miles west of I-15 and can be reached by exiting the
freeway at Beaver and traveling west on SR-21. The reservoir is a little more than a three-hour drive from Salt Lake City
or Las Vegas. A county-operated campground and paved boat ramp are available. Much of the shoreline at the reservoir
is open to the public, but there is some private land that is closed.
Shore fishing, boat angling and float tube fishing are popular ways to fish the reservoir. Experienced anglers will likely
have the most luck, but if you have a child who has some fishing skills and would like to catch a nice-sized fish, don't
pass up this opportunity to give him or her some real excitement.
The reservoir is more than 900 surface acres in size when full. The Division of Wildlife Resources owns a 2,000 acre-foot conservation pool that keeps the reservoir from being drained, except under the most severe conditions.
Special Regulations Help the Fishery
Special fishing rules apply at Minersville. You may use only artificial flies or lures, and you may keep only one trout that
must be more than 22 inches in length. The smallmouth bass limit is the standard statewide 6-fish limit, and there are no
size restrictions on bass.
These rules were established in the early 1990s to correct biological problems and maintain a quality fishery.
Before the 1990s, high numbers of Utah chubs competed with trout for food and space. In addition, fish-eating birds
preyed on the trout. Expensive chemical treatments with rotenone were repeatedly conducted to temporarily solve the
problems with chubs and reestablish a trout fishery. These treatments were ineffective because good fishing only
lasted about three years, and the treatments were needed at least every five years.
The regulation changes kept more trout in the reservoir and provided good fishing throughout the 1990s, without the
need for rotenone treatments. The regulations should keep good numbers of trout in the reservoir despite the chubs and
birds (as long as water is available) and should provide good fishing into the future.
Besides the initial restocking of 10,000 10-inch rainbow trout in 2004, several other allotments of rainbows have been
planted. These include more than 8,300 10-inch rainbows in May 2005 and 15,000 10-inch rainbows in October 2005.
About 20,000 4-inch rainbow fingerlings also were stocked in early July 2005. In 2006, expect to catch various sizes of
trout, from 10 inches long to fish more than 20 inches long.
Cutthroat Trout and Smallmouth Bass
In addition to rainbow trout, cutthroat trout and smallmouth bass have
also been stocked. More than 10,000 8-inch Bear Lake cutthroat trout
were stocked in May 2005. Smallmouth bass were stocked in the spring
of 2005. These bass
included 132 adults and 6,000 fingerlings.
By October 2005, the cutthroat trout had grown to 13 to 14 inches.
Although cutthroat trout initially grow slower than rainbow trout, the
cutthroats stocked in 2005 will begin to bulk up and gain weight when
they reach about 20 inches in length. At 20 inches, these cutthroats eat
lots of chubs and crayfish, which means there should be some real "hogs"
in the reservoir by fall 2006!
Smallmouth Bass Important to the Fishery
DWR biologists aren't sure if the transplanted adult smallmouth bass
reproduced in 2005, but conditions should have allowed them to do that. In the past, good smallmouth bass reproduction
occurred during high water years. It might take several years for a good bass fishery to develop, but biologists hope they
got off to a good start by quickly reintroducing these fish after the reservoir filled.
Not only were water conditions favorable, but the crayfish population quickly reestablished itself and provided the bass
with a plentiful food supply. Biologists saw huge numbers of young crayfish, about an inch in length, around the
reservoir's shoreline in June 2005.
Expectations for smallmouth bass at Minersville are high because they did well during the 1990s. In 2000, the bass
fishery was on the verge of being discovered by the public when the drought hit and repairs to the dam were required. As
a result, the reservoir was drained and did not fully recover until it was refilled in 2005.
Smallmouth bass are an important part of the overall management plan at Minersville Reservoir. They help keep chub
numbers in check and provide balance to the system that should help the trout continue to do well.
When biologists electro-fished (a common method to collect fish, monitor fish populations and compare trends) the
reservoir in the 1990s, it was evident that the bass were preying on chubs. Before introducing bass, chubs were extremely
numerous along the dam. By the late 1990s, the chubs were completely gone from this same area and were low in
numbers throughout most of the reservoir.
Part of the attraction of having both bass and trout at Minersville is the chance to catch either using the same fishing
techniques. Fishing steep rocky shorelines with large woolly buggers is a popular way to catch trout and can also result in
lots of smallmouth bass hookups. And fishing 4-inch plastic tube jigs for bass might just as easily produce a
sizeable trout.
If you're looking for a relaxing place to fish and like the idea of landing some exceptional trout, keep Minersville in
mind. Anyone who spends a little time at this reservoir will likely catch a 20-inch trout, and maybe a few smallmouth
bass as an added bonus.
Buy Buck Deer Permits Starting June 15
If you haven't obtained a buck deer permit for this fall's hunts in Utah, your next chance to obtain one begins June 15
when permits not taken in this year's big game draw go on sale.
More than 140 Northeastern Region rifle and muzzleloader, 15,500 Northern Region rifle and muzzleloader and 9,500
statewide general archery permits will be available. Three permits for Utah residents to hunt on Cooperative Wildlife
Management Units also will be available. One permit to hunt buck deer on the Engineer Springs CWMU in Box Elder
County will be available, and two permits (one buck deer and one bull elk) will be available to hunt on the Bear
Mountain CWMU in Sanpete County.
Permits to hunt bull elk on general season any bull elk and spike bull elk units also will go on sale June 15.
Where to Buy Them
The three CWMU permits will be available at DWR offices and from 270 hunting license agents across the state. The
CWMU permits are available only to Utah residents.
In addition to DWR offices and license agent locations, buck deer and bull elk permits will also be available at the
DWR's Web site ( ). Residents and nonresidents can purchase them.
Time When You Can Buy a Permit Varies
The time when you can buy a permit on June 15 varies according to the method you choose.
DWR offices will open at 8 a.m. on June 15, and buck deer and bull elk permits will also be available at the DWR's Web
site beginning at 8 a.m. that day.
License agents cannot sell permits earlier than 8 a.m. on June 15, but some of them may not open for business until later
in the morning. "I would encourage hunters to contact their nearest license agent before June 15 to learn what time they'll
open for business that day," says Judi Tutorow, wildlife licensing coordinator for the DWR.
A list of agents who sell Utah hunting licenses is available at .
Save Time - Visit the Web Site or a License Agent
Tutorow says when permits have gone on sale in the past, long lines have formed at some of the DWR offices. To save
time this year, she encourages hunters to visit the Web site or a hunting license agent. "You need a major credit card to
buy a permit from the Web site but if you have one, the Web site is a great option," she said. "Hunting license agents are
also a good choice. Most of them are open on weekends and evenings and they may be closer to your home than a
DWR office."
For more information, call the nearest Division of Wildlife Resources office or the DWR's Salt Lake City office at (801)
The next meeting of the Utah Wildlife Board will be held June 8 in Salt Lake City. Please see the pasted and attached
agenda for more information.
Utah Wildlife Board Meeting
Thursday, June 8, 2006 * 9:30 A.M.
DNR Auditorium, 1594 W. North Temple, SLC, Utah
1. Approval of Agenda ACTION
* Dr. Jim Bowns, Chair
2. Approval of Minutes ACTION
* Dr. Bowns
3. Old Business (Action Log) CONTINGENT
* Dick Diamond, Vice-chair
4. Division Update INFORMATION
* Jim Karpowitz, DWR Director
5. Species of Concern Rule ACTION
* Mike Canning, DWR Wildlife Program Coordinator
6. Conservation & Sportsmen Permits Rule ACTION
* Alan Clark, DWR Wildlife Section Chief or designee
7. Compensation for Mountain Lion & Bear Damage Rule ACTION
* Alan Clark or designee
8. 2007 Fishing Proclamation proposed changes INFORMATIONAL
* Walt Donaldson, DWR Aquatics Section Chief
9. ** Youth Chukar Hunt * Southern Region ACTION
* Dean Mitchell, DWR Upland Game Program Coordinator
10. Variance Requests/Reconsideration of Decisions ACTION
-- Greg Sheehan, DWR Chief of Administrative Services
-- Bruce Hubbard (Triple H Hunting), Virginia Bell
11. Consideration of Motions to Dismiss ACTION
-- Martin Bushman, Assistant Attorney General
12. Syracuse Hunting Closure ACTION
-- Bob Hasenyager, DWR Northern Region Supervisor
13. Other Business CONTINGENT
-- Dr. Bowns
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act - Persons needing special accommodations (including auxiliary
communicative aids and services) for this meeting, should contact Steve Phillips at 801-538-4718, giving him at least
five working days notice.
ESPN Networks to Air Shooting Events
Collegiate Clay Target Championships, Hot Shots! to be Televised on ESPN2, ESPNU Throughout June
NEWTOWN, Conn.--ESPN2 and ESPNU will televise two National Shooting Sports Foundation-sponsored shooting events in June, exposing the networks' millions of viewers to the action and excitement of the shooting sports.
On various dates and times throughout the month, ESPNU will air the 2006 Association of College Unions International (ACUI) Collegiate Clay Target Championships, while ESPN2 will air Hot Shots!, an adrenaline-fueled, head-to-head competition featuring the nation's best rifle and shotgun shooters.
"From America's best college shotgunners to Olympians and national-champion shotgun and rifle competitors, both of these televised events are a glimpse into the thrill and excitement of today's shooting sports," said Doug Painter, NSSF president. "Both will without doubt be enjoyed by shooters and non-shooters alike."
The Collegiate Clay Target Championships, being televised for the first time in its 38-year history, will air on ESPNU on June 6 at 7 p.m.; June 7 at 7:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.; June 9 at 3:30 a.m.; June 10 at 6 and 11:30 a.m.; June 14 at 6 p.m. and 6:30 p.m.; June 15 at 8:30 a.m.; June 17 at 4 p.m.; June 20 at 5:30 p.m.; July 1 at midnight; July 2 at 11:30 a.m.; and July 30 at 6:30 and 7 a.m. (all times EDT)
The event was taped April 5-9 at the National Shooting Complex in San Antonio and includes shooters from more than 20 colleges and universities competing in international trap, international skeet, American trap, American skeet and sporting clays.
Hot Shots!, which includes shotgun, rifle and archery competitions similar to those seen in the ESPN Great Outdoor Games, will air on ESPN2 on June 25 at 3:30 a.m., 4 a.m., 4:30 a.m., 1:30 p.m., 2 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. (all times EDT)
In Hot Shots!, competitors go head-to-head in single-elimination format. The shotgun competition is held at night under the lights. Each head-to-head round involves clay targets being thrown randomly in 3 1/2-second intervals. In the rifle event, shooters square off in a 60-second race on 10 horizontal 10-inch aperture targets. Shooters must hit all 10 targets before they move onto the "Dueling Tree," where they are able to shoot back or unscore their opponent's points.
Sponsors for the ACUI championships include NSSF, the Amateur Trapshooting Association and Kreighoff International. Hot Shots! is sponsored by NSSF, the Archery Trade Association, Hoyt and Limbsaver.
NSSF, formed in 1961, is the trade association for the firearms industry. It directs a variety of outreach programs to promote greater participation and better understanding of shooting sports, emphasizing safe and responsible ownership of firearms. For further information, visit .
Blanding -- Edge of the Cedars State Park Museum staff host activities in observance of the Centennial Celebration of the
1906 Antiquities Act Saturday, June 10 from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
7:30 to 10:30 a.m. - Free pancake breakfast sponsored by the San Juan Foundation.
9 a.m. to 5 p.m. - Centennial Celebration Art Fair: More than 30 artists from the Four Corners area sell a variety of handmade
items including: jewelry; traditional Hopi and Navajo pottery; Ute, Navajo and Hopi baskets; folk art; katsina carvings and
sculptures; watercolor paintings; reproductions of ancient Puebloan pots; chocolates; and traditional Native and non-native
Dancing and Music: Enjoy traditional dance and music, including dancers
from Zuni Pueblo, New Mexico, the Desert Mountain Navajo Dancers from
Blanding, and the melodious flute music of Aldean "Lightning Hawk" Ketchum.
Demonstrations: Traditional Navajo textiles with award-winning weaver,
Anita Hathale; traditional Navajo pottery making with renowned potter,
Gregory Holiday: Navajo basket weaving with Ellen Holiday; traditional Ute
flute making with recording artist Aldean "Lightning Hawk" Ketchum; and
many more. An atlatl demonstration and contest will also be held throughout
the day.
Silent Auction: Bid on an exquisite rock art motif quilt stitched by local community group, Grayson County Quilters. This
amazing, one-of-a-kind quilt is on display in the museum lobby.
Ancestral Puebloan Site Tours: Utah Site Steward Program volunteers conduct interpretive walks to several Ancestral
Puebloan sites in the area.
1 to 5 p.m. A symposium, Ancient Lands, Contemporary Issues, is hosted by the College of Eastern Utah, San Juan Campus
(SJC). Speakers include Archaeologist Winston Hurst, SJC Vice-President Dr. Bob McPherson, and Archaeologist Lee Bennett.
At 5 p.m., a reception for a new museum exhibit, Archaeology of the Northern San Juan: The First One-Hundred Years, will
be held in the museum.
The celebration is a combined partnership with the Bureau of Land Management, USDA Forest Service, Utah State Parks,
Utah Site Steward Program, San Juan Foundation, and the cities of Blanding, Monticello, and Bluff. Additional funding was
provided by Wells Fargo Bank, the Bill Barrett Corporation, and the International Uranium Corporation.
For more information, please call (435) 678-2238.
Vernal - The Utah Field House of Natural History State Park Museum in Vernal hosts A Gesture of Kinship exhibit from
June 5 to August 31. This exhibit weaves and documents the thoughts and experiences of 20 young Navajos growing up in
the early 1980s to the present. This journey of personal and cultural change is captured in photographs and stories in their
own voices.
Bruce Hucko, a Utah-based photographer, artist, and teacher, lived on the Navajo Reservation while teaching at Montezuma
Creek Elementary School from 1978 to 1989.
His interaction with the schoolchildren and their parents spawned his interest in exploring Navajo perspectives in their world
within a world.
Simultaneously, Dr. Donna Deyhle, a professor at the University of Utah's Department of Education, Culture, and Society,
was conducting anthropological fieldwork in the San Juan County School District. Hucko and Deyhle developed a friendship
that led to this project.
A cultural day celebrating A Gesture of Kinship is scheduled for Wednesday, June 28 at the museum. Education specialists
from the Utah Museum of Natural History will provide hands-on activities and an evening lecture by Bruce Hucko is
scheduled. Hucko will talk about his experiences working and living on the Navajo reservation in relation to his photographs
displayed in the Gestures exhibit.
For more information, please call Mary Beth Smith at (435) 789-3799.
June 8-10 Camp Floyd/Stagecoach Inn State Park and Museum - Fairfield
Camp Floyd History Camp For Kids: A fun-filled educational experience about how soldiers lived at 1861 Camp Floyd, and
how the Utah War served pre-Civil War objectives. Campers play 19th Century games, drill, march and set up a soldier's
camp; make and take home soldier craft activities; conduct a full-scale military exercise; see muskets and a cannon fired.
Camp is for children eight to 11 years old. Limited to 24 participants; reservations and $65 camp fee required. For more
information, please call (801) 768-8932.
June 9 Wasatch Mountain State Park - Midway
Campfire Program: Hawks Up Close - Have you ever seen a hawk, eagle or falcon up close? If not, here's your chance. Join
the park naturalist for a program about birds of prey. Program begins at 7 p.m. at the campground amphitheater. For more
information call (435) 654-1791.
June 10 Antelope Island State Park-Syracuse
Beachfest '06: Come have a rockin' good time on Bridger Bay Beach at Antelope Island State Park from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
The day will be filled with music, sand sculpture contest, sand volleyball, kite flying, Brine shrimp and oolitic sand discovery,
children's treasure hunt, flying disc golf, and fun. For more information, please call (801) 773-2941.
June 10 Millsite State Park - Huntington
Fishing Derby: State park staff, in conjunction with the Division of Wildlife Resources, host a kids fishing derby, which
includes a casting contest and drawing for prizes. For more information, please call (435) 687-2491.
June 10 Rock Cliff Nature Center/ Jordanelle State Park Francis
Junior Ranger Program: Free Fishing Day - Children six to 10 are invited to the Jr. Ranger program from 11 a.m. to noon
at the Nature Center to learn about the different types of fish at Jordanelle State Park by making fish print t-shirts. Children
will earn a badge and certificate. For more information, please call (435) 782 3030.
June 10 Wasatch Mountain State Park - Midway
Pathways to Fishing - Join park staff and Division of Wildlife volunteers at the visitor center pond from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. for
a day of fishing, fun, and prizes. Learn to fish, tie fishing knots, and clean what you catch. Registration is required by calling
(435) 654-1791.
June 10 Palisade State Park Golf Course - Sterling
Palisade Golf Course sponsors a four-person scramble golf tournament. Pre-registration is required for the 8 a.m. shotgun
start. Course is open to the general public after 2 p.m.
For registration or tee times, call (435) 835-4653.
GENERAL Circle Saturday, June 10th on your calendar. That's the date for Free Fishing Day across Utah and also for a
special kids' fishing event at Millsite State Park.
BENCHES RESERVOIR The ice has come off, but few anglers have been out. Tributaries are closed to fishing until July
BOULGER RESERVOIR The reservoir is open, and the access road is snow-free. No fishermen were observed over the
weekend. Tributaries are closed to fishing until July 8th.
CLEVELAND RESERVOIR The reservoir is ice-free, but fishing pressure has been very light. Over the holiday, PowerBait
or worms produced fair fishing success.
DUCK FORK RESERVOIR The reservoir is more than half open, but access is only possible by 4-wheeler. Excellent fishing
for big tiger trout is expected. Special regulations apply. Artificial lures and flies only. Closed to the possession of cutthroat
trout. Tributaries are closed to fishing until July 8th.
ELECTRIC LAKE The lake is ice-free. Fishing was good over the long weekend for anglers using almost any bait or lure.
The boat ramp is useable after years of drought. Tributaries are closed to fishing until July 8th.
FAIRVIEW LAKES Both lakes are ice-free. Access remains muddy.
FERRON RESERVOIR The ice is breaking up. Access is available only by 4-wheeler. Tributaries are closed to fishing until
July 8th. Four brook trout may be taken in addition to the normal limit of four trout.
GIGLIOTTI POND No recent fishing report. This year, anglers don't have to release bass or bluegill, which may be harvested
along with trout. A total of 4 fish may be taken in aggregate.
GOOSEBERRY RESERVOIR The U.S. Forest Service gate is now open. The water is turbid and fishing success has been
GRASSY LAKE A lingering snow drift blocked access this past weekend.
GRASSY TRAIL RESERVOIR This reservoir above the town of Sunnyside is closed to fishing. Over the holiday weekend,
conservation officers issued a number of tickets to those who violated the fishing closure.
HUNTINGTON CREEK Run-off continues to be high. The clearest water is closest to the dam and becomes more colored
the further down you go. For the first time this year, anglers are encouraged to take special precautions to avoid the spread
of whirling disease which has been found in the creek. Precautions include:
· Removing all mud and aquatic plants from your waders, boots, shoes, and fishing gear before departing from the fishing
· Disinfecting gear and equipment with 10 % chlorine bleach to kill the whirling disease spores, and
· Disposing of inedible, uncooked fish parts by burying away from the fishing location, or by placing in the garbage.
Whirling disease does not affect the edibility or flavor of a trout. The disease
cannot be passed on to humans.
HUNTINGTON GAME FARM POND was stocked with 1,500 9-inch rainbow
trout in early May. From the locked gate at the game farm, there's a ¼ mile walk
to the pond. The limit is four fish in the aggregate. Species include trout,
bluegill, catfish and bass.
HUNTINGTON NORTH RESERVOIR The state park was very busy this past
weekend. Biologist Justin Hart indicates that trolling crankbaits with pop gear
has been producing both rainbow and brown trout. Shoreline anglers have had
fair success with PowerBait, worms or artificial lures. Most trout range from
10-14 inches with an occasional large (up to four pounds) brown trout. About
a week ago, Su Jones of Huntington caught a 13-lb catfish and 5-lb bass on the
same day near the inlet. She waded waist deep into the water and fished with
a piece of nightcrawler. In early May, bass ranging from 3-9 pounds were
caught and released. The bass limit is six, but only one bass may be over 12
inches. The Castle Country Bassmasters and Utah Parks and Recreation will be
co-sponsoring a bass tournament on Friday, June 16th. Call 435-687-2491 for
more information. The reservoir will be drawn down this summer to facilitate work on the dam. The DWR plans to postpone
further stocking until construction is completed.
HUNTINGTON RESERVOIR (also known as MAMMOTH RESERVOIR at the top of Fairview Canyon) The reservoir is
ice-free. A creel survey performed by the DWR indicated that tiger trout up to 17.5 inches were being taken from the bottom
with a straight nightcrawler. . Two weeks ago, one 4.5-lb tiger was landed by an Emery County angler. Traditionally, fishing
is very good just after ice-off. Fly fishermen have had good luck with dark leeches or wooly buggers. Closed to the possession
of cutthroat trout or trout with cutthroat markings. Tributaries are closed to fishing until July 8th.
JOES VALLEY RESERVOIR Fishing success ranges from poor to good, depending on the day, time of day, weather
conditions and angler expertise. Dedicated hunter Paul Wilmonen described fishing success as poor. He saw a few anglers,
who caught fish with nightcrawlers and salmon eggs. One angler reported hooking a big splake, but then losing it on the
retrieve, when it broke his line. That angler used chub meat. Several 10 pounders were caught more than a week ago.
Aquatics Biologist Justin Hart encourages anglers to use whole or cut chub meat on the bottom or even under a bobber. Justin
has received reports from boaters doing well with crankbaits or jigs, tipped with chub meat. He recommends that anglers
concentrate on the west side of the lake in shallow water. The trout limit is two. Only one may be over 22 inches. All trout
between 15-22 inches must be immediately released.
LASAL MOUNTAINS Conservation Officer Joe Nicholson reports that Kens Lake continues to be good. Anglers are
catching limits of rainbow trout with worms and marshmallows. The east and southeast sides of the lake continue to produce
bass. Joe says he has received reports of bass up to six pounds being caught. Fishing at Oowah Lake remains good. Anglers
are catching rainbow and brook trout on worms and yellow spinners. Fishing has been fair at Dons and Hidden lakes. Anglers
have had mixed success using worms and Panther Martin spinners. Medicine Lake, Dark Canyon Lake and Warner Lake are
accessible, but fishing has been slow. Fishermen along the Colorado River have had good luck catching catfish with shrimp.
LOWER FISH CREEK The water flow continues to be high, but fish are hungry and are taking a number of offerings. Small
nymphs are working for fly fishermen. In the zone, where bait is allowed, trout are taking traditional baits, such as worms,
PowerBait and egg sacs. Most trout range between 15-18 inches.
MILLER FLAT RESERVOIR No report. The reservoir was not be accessible during the holiday weekend.
MILLSITE STATE PARK RESERVOIR Fishing was good this past weekend for 10-12 inch trout. The best bait was
nightcrawlers. Next best was PowerBait. On Saturday, June 10th, the Division of Parks and Recreation in partnership with
the Division of Wildlife Resources will sponsor a special kids' fishing event, featuring a knot-tying clinic, casting contest,
and prizes. A special drawing will occur at 10 a.m. for kids under 14 years-old. The Millsite Park restaurant will cook any
cleaned trout from noon until 3 p.m. on Saturday. Visitors may also order off the menu. Kids who don't have their own
fishing rod or bait may borrow them from DWR personnel beginning at 8 a.m.
PETES HOLE This pond is accessible. Fishing was good over the weekend for baitcasters using salmon eggs or nightcrawlers
with a slow retrieve.
POTTERS PONDS These ponds were not be accessible for holiday weekenders.
SCOFIELD RESERVOIR Sergeant Stacey Jones indicated that fishing success was okay over the weekend, even though
wind and extreme cold kept a lot of fishermen off the lake. Boaters and float tubers seemed to do better than shoreline
anglers. Fish took a variety of baits, including dead minnows, egg sacs, worms, salmon eggs and PowerBait. Some used fly
fishing tackle or just a fly and bubble.
Conservation Officer Chris Rhea described fishing as a littler slow when he visited the reservoir. He described the best baits
as rainbow PowerBait with glitter or nightcrawlers. During his visit, he said there were a lot of small flies on the water, so
fly fishermen weren't doing well. Better fly patterns include scuds, Montana nymphs, and beadhead brown (or green) sparkle
Angler Tressa Christianson fished from a boat on Monday. She used rainbow glitter and orange PowerBait and "had a blast!"
Tressa reported that her party caught one trout over four pounds and several in the 2-3 lb. category.
Aquatics Manager Paul Birdsey spoke with three anglers who fished on Saturday. They said it was very windy, but they had
good luck trolling pop gear with a small spinner. These anglers caught and kept five fish. The largest was a little over 21
inches and two pounds.
Justin Wilmonen, dedicated hunter who checked the reservoir this weekend, reported fair fishing success for shoreline anglers
using worms and marshmallows. Justin reported that boats did better than bank anglers and had the best success with baits.
Fly fisherman Tom Ogden fished on Saturday and Sunday and found a lot of midges and may flies coming off the water,
causing his catchrate to drop. All of his fish were under 17 inches. Tom indicated that the reservoir is within three feet from
being full. Water temperature was 52 degrees. Water visibility was three feet.
All tributaries are closed to protect spawning cutthroat trout until July 8th.
SOUP BOWL This small pond is now accessible. One fly fisherman had some success near the inlet using double renegades
or beadhead nymph patterns.
WILLOW LAKE The lake is now accessible. No report on angling success.
WRIGLEY SPRINGS RESERVOIR Sueann Erickson took her boys fishing over the weekend. She said they "slammed em."
Her boys caught seven rainbow trout ranging from 2-3 lbs., using a variety of PowerBait colors. Brass-colored Jakes Spin-A-Lures continue to be recommended for spincasters..
May 23, 2006 -- Hurricanes Katrina and Rita may continue to cause devastation well into the 2006 boating season, warns
the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators (NASBLA).
Due to the hurricanes in 2005 many boats were damaged or destroyed. Boat Owners Association of the United States
estimates that damages to recreational vessels as a result of Hurricane Katrina alone are between $650 and $750 million.
Some of these boats are being sold as merely "used" to unsuspecting buyers.
"Sadly, unethical people are everywhere, even in times of disaster," said Rick Barrera, chairman of NASBLA's Numbering
& Titling Committee. "Used boat buyers should take precautions to protect themselves down the road," he said. Of the states
that require titling, fewer than 10 require titles of boats that have been totaled to be marked "salvaged."
Consumers, boating registration personnel and others can utilize a database of watercraft affected by Hurricanes Katrina and
Rita developed by the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB).
According to the NICB, by March 2006, there were 206,000 vehicles in its flooded motor vehicle and boat database. The
NICB warns that flooded vessels may be cleaned up, moved and sold in other areas of the country by unscrupulous operators.
Although the vessels were totaled by insurance companies and some are identified with the word "salvage" on their titles
(meaning that they are not fit for any use except for scrap or parts), they could end up on the market in states where it is
relatively easy to apply for a new title.
If a consumer buys one of these boats, they could be in for a surprise that could prove costly.
NASBLA encourages boat buyers to check out the history of any used vessel they may purchase. They can do this by
searching the NICB database for watercraft affected by the hurricanes.
To access the database go to and enter the hull identification number (HIN) of the boat you are buying.
The HIN can be found on the right rear of the watercraft hull. While not all vessels scraped for salvage are in the database,
it is one tool consumers can use to help lessen the chance of fraud.
Barrera said, "If a deal on a boat sounds too good to be true, most times it is. Take a few extra steps and make sure the vessel
you are buying is legitimate and will provide a safe and enjoyable experience for you and your family."
The National Association of State Boating Law Administrators is a non-profit organization comprised of state and territorial
recreational boating authorities. NASBLA fosters partnerships among the states, the Coast Guard and others, crafts model
boating laws, maintains national education and training standards, assists in the homeland security challenges on our
waterways, and advocates the needs of the state boating programs before Congress and federal agencies.
Salt Lake - Governor Jon M. Huntsman, Jr. will sign a proclamation declaring Utah Trails Week June 3 through 10
encouraging people of all ages and abilities to enjoy Utah's many trails and pathways.
Saturday, June 3 is National Trails Day and America's largest celebration of the outdoors. This year's theme Experience
your Outdoors, encourages people to get outside, get active, and experience the wonders of trails in our communities and
throughout the country.
With high overweight and obesity rates in Utah and the United States, trails can become pathways to better health.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, regular physical activity, including using trails and
pathways, is very beneficial for preventing of controlling many diseases.
"We encourage everyone to get outdoors and participate in the many wonderful trail opportunities on National Trails Day
and during Utah Trails Week," commented State Trails Coordinator John Knudson. "Whether you participate in a
leisurely hike or work on a trail maintenance project, trail activities with family and friends are enjoyable, rewarding, and
beneficial to your health."
For more information and a listing of National Trails Day activities in your area, please visit .
NRA Firearms Sourcebook- a New Standard in Shooting References
(FAIRFAX, VA)-- A book subtitled "Your Ultimate Guide to Guns, Ballistics and Shooting," is setting a lofty standard for itself, but even the most advanced shooters would be hard-pressed to find a gun or ammunition topic that the new NRA Firearms Sourcebook does not address.
Begun as a simple update of the popular NRA Firearms Fact Book, originally published in 1964, and spurred by a wealth of manufacturing and technical innovations over the last decade, the NRA Firearms Sourcebook grew into an authoritative 516-page reference by primary authors Michael E. Bussard and Stanton L. Wormley, Jr. More than a dozen experts from the NRA Publications staff contributed their own expertise and meticulous fact-checking.
Divided into just four broad sections-Firearms and Society, Firearms Technical,
Ammunition Technical and Reference Materials-the book is an exhaustive text that
explains, in refreshingly simple language, topics such as: gun parts nomenclature,
operating principles, materials and manufacturing methods, sights and optics,
ammunition types and characteristics, ballistics, reloading data and others. The actual
formulas used to calculate sectional density, ballistic coefficient, recoil, and other technical subjects are given in the
expansive Reference section, along with numerous tables and a lengthy glossary. Overall, the book addresses questions
typically posed by both new shooters and highly technical gun owners.
As co-author Stanton L. Wormley, Jr. stated in his foreword, "It is difficult to comprehend the breadth of knowledge encompassed by the field of firearms." This book is a clear verification of that statement, and anyone fascinated by guns will soon learn exactly how much he does-or does not---know about firearms upon opening this book.
So whether you are just trying to settle a campfire argument about the venerable '06, or you're researching molybdenum disulfide barrel treatment, the definitive answers you need are in the NRA Firearms Sourcebook. Order your copy by visiting calling 1-888-607-6007. Cite the book title and item number PB 01548. Cost is just $34.95 plus applicable shipping and sales tax.
Tee off with Girl Scouts Fore Community Golf Fun!
Salt Lake City, UT - June 1, 2006 - On Monday, June 19, the annual "Going for the Green" golf tournament will be held to benefit Girl Scouts of Utah. Since 1992, the golf tournament has been a way for the non-profit organization to raise necessary operating funds. Proceeds also help keep the cost of Girl Scouting activities low, and make the program available to all girls in Utah so that no one is turned away because of financial hardship.
Now in its fourteenth year, the golf tournament is a great opportunity not only for businesses to network and socialize, but also to get involved with the community and make a difference in the lives of local girls. Companies can invite their clients to play or reward their top employees with a team in the tournament. The tournament is also well timed to coincide with Father's Day, and makes an excellent family outing to celebrate the holiday.
This year's tournament will again be held at the Homestead Resort in Midway. It is the only resort in Utah with an on-property, 18-hole championship golf course. The par-72 course was designed by PGA Senior Tour professional Bruce Summerhays, and has spectacular views of the Wasatch Mountains and the Snake Creek Valley. In addition, the Homestead Resort is offering special accommodation rates for participants who stay overnight before the tournament.
Merit Medical Systems, Inc. and Fred Lampropoulos return again this year as title sponsors of the event. Mr. Lampropoulos is also returning as the honorary chair of the tournament and recognizes the importance of the tournament to Girl Scouts of Utah; "I understand the investment we are making in the lives of Utah's young women. Providing opportunities and support for Utah's girls today will have a return many times over for tomorrow." Merit Medical Systems employs many senior staff that are Girl Scout alumnae and who continue to give back to the Girl Scout program.
The registration fee is $200 per player, $385 for a pair, and $750 for a four-person team. Player fees include green fees, carts, breakfast, snacks, lunch, and tournament gifts for each player. Other sponsorship opportunities are available. All proceeds benefit the Girl Scouts of Utah.
"In Girl Scouts, girls participate in fun and challenging experiences that empower them to grow, lead, and engage in service," says Elaine Gause, CEO for Girl Scouts of Utah. "Your support gives girls the experience and resources they need to make smart choices that will help them become leaders with a lasting sense of responsibility and accountability to their communities - local, national, and global."
Girl Scouts of Utah, the statewide organization building girls of courage, confidence, and character, invites individuals, foundations, corporations, and the community to "golf fore girls." The deadline to register is June 9. Registration and breakfast begin at 7:00 am with tee times starting at 8:00 am. For more information or to register, go to or contact Jessica Peterson at (801) 265-8472, ext. 26 or at .
Now in its 94th year, Girl Scouting offers girls a safe, supportive environment where in partnership with caring adults, girls can participate in fun and challenging experiences that empower them to grow, lead, and engage in service. Girl Scouts of Utah serves more than 9,000 girls and 3,500 adults from every county of Utah as well as Wendover, Nevada and Fredonia, Arizona. Since 1920, Girl Scouts of Utah has given Utah girls the experiences and resources they need to make smart choices that will help them succeed as adults. To get involved or make a donation, call 1-800-678-7809 or log on to
Test Site Fire Contained soon.
CEDAR CITY, UTAH - This evening, the Test Site fire looks good on the entire perimeter and the majority of the interior. However, the fire is still smoking and has isolated torching of interior trees. Containment has reached 80% and full containment is expected early next week. Size of the fire is approximately 650 acres.
Interagency resources on scene include: 10 engines, three hand crews and two water tenders.
Air resources will not be able to help with fire suppression activities today due to the high winds in Cedar City.
Interagency resources responded to two other fires in the St. George area, both of these fires have been 100 contained and will be monitored through the evening and tomorrow.
Fire restrictions are now in place for Washington County, Zion National Park and northern Arizona (Arizona Strip) as of midnight May 26, 2006.
Two Utah County Men Charged for Poaching Thirteen Deer in Diamond Fork Canyon
Provo -- Charges were filed in Provo's 4th District Court Thursday on Utah County residents Cory Brown and Kevin
Cloward. Both men were charged with wanton destruction of protected wildlife, which is a 3rd degree felony, for the
killing of 13 deer in Diamond Fork Canyon in Utah County last year.
Both men were also charged with a misdemeanor for discharging a firearm from a vehicle. The poaching incident
occurred on April 9, 2005 when the two suspects allegedly went on a killing spree. Thirteen deer were shot and left to
Information regarding several dead deer in Diamond Fork Canyon was received from a concerned citizen on the Division
of Wildlife Resources' Help Stop Poaching Hotline on April 10.
After hearing of the poaching incident, several organizations offered reward money to help solve the case. The
organizations included Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife, the Mule Deer Foundation, the Utah Bowmen's Association, the
Division of Wildlife Resources and a local business, Jakes Archery. The organizations contributed $4,500 towards a
After distributing reward posters throughout the community, additional leads from the public assisted DWR conservation
officers with the case over the following year. Search warrants were subsequently served on both of the suspects' residences.
The Help Stop Poaching Hotline has been a critical part of solving many wildlife poaching cases throughout Utah.
Twenty five to 30 percent of the poaching cases in Utah are generated by calls to the hotline. An average of 525 calls are
received on the hotline every year.
The DWR encourages citizens to call the hotline at 1 (800) 662-DEER (3337) to
report any information regarding wildlife-related crimes.
Duck Stamp Goes On Sale
The latest Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamp (Duck Stamp) is
available early this year, starting Thursday, June 1. The stamp is valid from July 1,
2006, to June 30, 2007. The cost for a stamp is $15.
This year's First Day of Sale Ceremony for the 2006-2007 Migratory Bird Hunting
and Conservation Stamp (and the 2006-2007 Junior Duck Stamp) will take place on June 1 at the Washington, DC,
Convention Center. The event will be in conjunction with the "Washington 2006 World Philatelic Exhibition," known as
the world's premier stamp event.
Of course, the Stamp, an institution since the 1930s, is a de-facto federal waterfowling license, as well as a valuable
"pass" for any refuges that charge for entry. The proceeds from Stamp sales (today about $25 million per year) go to
habitat acquisition (fee-title and easements) for the National Wildlife Refuge System.
For more background on the stamp and its relation to the Refuge System see this website:
SALT LAKE CITY, UT - Disney Channel's Original Movie High School Musical, shot entirely in the state of Utah, sold
1.2 million DVD copies in North America during its first week, making it the fastest selling television movie of all time
on DVD. The movie has been seen by 36.5 million total viewers over 12 telecasts on Disney Channel and has a
triple platinum-selling soundtrack. It was directed by Kenny Ortega (Gilmore Girls, Ally McBeal) and executive-produced by Barry Rosenbush and Bill Borden. Rosenbush is currently in production on his next film American Pastime,
which will also be made in Utah. High School Musical, a Disney Channel Original Movie, is about two teens, brainy
Gabriella (Vannessa Anne Hudgens) and sporty Troy (Zac Efron), who have very different personalities but discover a
shared love of music at a karaoke contest over their high school winter break.
The DVD bonus extras include a Learn the Moves feature led by Emmy Award-winning director and choreographer,
Kenny Ortega. It also includes a never-before-seen music video, I Can't Take My Eyes Off of You, and the music video,
We're All in This Together, as well as behind-the-scenes footage.
"The producers needed to film in a place where they could find a lot of high school aged talent who could sing and
dance," said Aaron Syrett, director of the Utah Film Commission. "Utah is a great resource for talented kids and boasts
an extremely strong crew base.
That coupled with the state's 10% rebate, which was awarded to the movie from the Motion Picture Incentive Fund,
sealed the deal for the project. The producers are currently exploring the sequel to High School Musical, which we are
actively pursing to be made in Utah sometime next year."
Formed in 1974, the Utah Film Commission is a program of the Governor's Office of Economic Development and is a
member of the Association of Film Commissioners International (AFCI). The mission of the Utah Film Commission is
to create high paying quality jobs within motion picture industry, market the entire state as a location for film
and commercial production, and to promote the use of Utah support services and professionals. The film commission is
client driven servicing international, out-of-state production companies, in-state production companies, and Utah support
services and crew.
For more information on filming in Utah, contact the Utah FilmCommission at Council Hall/Capitol Hill, 300 North
State Street, Salt Lake City, Utah, 84114, call (800) 453-8824, or by e-mail .
SALT LAKE CITY, UT - The casting team from ABC's "The Bachelor" has announced an open casting call in Salt Lake
City on June 8, 2006 from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. at W Models (6121 South Highland Drive). Will a real prince find his
princess? Prince Lorenzo Borghese, a handsome 33-year-old cosmetics entrepreneur, has been selected to star in the
ninth edition of "The Bachelor," when ABC's popular romance reality series returns to the network this fall. Once more
the series will be set outside the United States in one of the most glamorous, romantic capitals of the world - Rome! "We
are excited about coming to Utah because it is beautiful and so are the people. We are looking for classy young ladies
around 25 to 35 and we knew Utah would be a great place to do a casting call," said JC Carollo, casting producer for the
Prince Borghese, whose grandmother, Princess Marcella Borghese, started the famed self-named cosmetics line, is an
American citizen who has resided in Manhattan since 1997. However, he was born in Milan, lived in Rome and outside
Paris, and moved to Connecticut when he was five years old. Proud of his genealogy, his storied paternal ancestors
include Pope Paul V (Camillo Borghese) and Cardinal Scipione Borghese, both of whom had an enormous influence on
Italian art and beautifying Rome in the 1600s, and who helped finish St. Peter's Basilica. The Borghese family name and
crest can be found on the façade of the famous basilica.
"It was a challenge to top the last bachelor -- Dr. Travis Stork," said Mike Fleiss, executive producer of the series, "but
an American bachelor who happens to be an Italian prince and shooting the series in Rome - it can't get any better than that."
Lorenzo graduated from Rollins College in Winter Park, Florida, and has an MBA from Fordham University in New
York. Although most would think his family name and title would have led him to the right woman, he is tired of being a
bachelor. He is not a fan of serial dating and is excited to have the opportunity to meet 25 special bachelorettes in the
hope of finding the one right woman for him and his own fairy tale ending.
Lorenzo's challenge to find the woman of his dreams will be set against a backdrop that is both spectacular and familiar
to him, including impressive Roman sites such as the historic Forum, Colosseum and Pantheon, the romantic Trevi
Fountain and the lush Villa Borghese, the largest park in Rome, which bears his family's name.
Hosted by Chris Harrison, "The Bachelor: Rome" is produced by Next Entertainment in association with Warner
Horizon Television. Mike Fleiss and Lisa Levenson are the executive producers. David Bohnert is the co-executive producer.
Note: Photos of "The Bachelor" are available at or 818-460-6611.
Formed in 1974, the Utah Film Commission is a program of the Governor's Office of Economic Development and is a
member of the Association of Film Commissioners International (AFCI). The mission of the Utah Film Commission is
to create high paying quality jobs within motion picture industry, market the entire state as a location for film and
commercial production, and to promote the use of Utah support services and professionals. The film commission is
client driven servicing international, out-of-state production companies, in-state production companies, and Utah support
services and crew.
West Nile Virus Found in Salt Lake County
(Salt Lake City, UT) - West Nile virus has been found in a
magpie in Salt Lake County, the Division of Wildlife
Resources and the Salt Lake Valley Health Department
announced June 2.
This is the first detection of West Nile virus in Utah this
year. Wild bird surveillance will continue throughout Utah
as needed.
Wild birds continue to be important indicators of West Nile
viral activity in local communities. Viral activity in birds is often
detected before human illness.
The Division of Wildlife Resources encourages the public to participate in Utah's Wild Bird Surveillance program. If you
see an ill or dead bird in your area, the best way to report the bird is through the DWR's Web site. More information
regarding wild bird surveillance, including a bird identification page and an online submission form, can
be found at the site at: .
Target species for testing in the 2006 season include birds of the Corvid family (ravens, crows, jays, etc.), raptors and
other species that may be exhibiting neurologic symptoms.
It is important to note that not all birds may be suitable for testing. To determine if a bird is suitable for testing, please
follow these guidelines:
- Is the bird a target species? (Is it a raven, crow, jay, bird of prey, or does the bird appear to be ill or dying?)
- Has the bird been dead less than 24 hours? (Birds that have been dead longer than 24 hours appear decayed and are not
suitable for testing.)
- Is there no other obvious cause of death, such as a window strike, cat-kill or collision with a vehicle?
Since people may become infected with WNV through the bite of an infected mosquito, personal protection is key. West
Nile virus can result in serious disease or death. It is important to follow these recommended guidelines:
- Use mosquito repellents with DEET or Picaridin, especially from dusk to dawn. Mosquitoes that carry West Nile virus
are most active during this time.
- For children under the age of 2 months, do not use DEET.
- Wear protective clothing like long-sleeved shirts and long pants while outdoors.
- Make sure window screens and screened door are in good repair. Small holes will allow mosquitoes to enter.
- Change water regularly (every 2-3 days) in birdbaths, outdoor pet dishes, etc.
- Aerate ornamental ponds or contact your local mosquito abatement district regarding treatment options.
- Eliminate standing water around your home in locations such as old tires, cans, poorly kept swimming pools, or any
other source where stagnant water accumulates.